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LAMDA have an extensive programme of internationally recognised exams in Acting, Musical Theatre, Communication, Speaking Verse and Prose, Performing Shakespeare and Musical Theatre.  LAMDA exams are
about achievement – recognising and rewarding the endeavours of each individual and to provide all learners
with the opportunity to develop the life skills they need to be a success: attributes such as self-confidence and
the ability to communicate clearly and present ideas. 
At the heart of LAMDA examinations is the recognition
that the qualifications are for everyone. 
Across the globe, the examinations unite learners of all ages, abilities, backgrounds and cultures in enthusiasm for the English language and a desire to develop skills for life. 
LAMDA exams are recognised by Ofqual and the higher exams can earn students UCAS points, helping
with university applications.


At Theatre Arts Academy students can work towards a variety of LAMDA exams including:
Solo Acting,  Duo Acting,  Musical Theatre,  Devising Drama, Speaking Verse and Prose

Students are entered for exams when we feel they are ready to take exams and gain good results.
Exam nerves are quite normal, but well prepared students have nothing to worry about.
The LAMDA examiners are highly trained and experienced and are careful to ensure the exams are a
positive experience.  
We are registered as a Private LAMDA exam centre in Colchester meaning
Colchester students can take exams locally. 
London Students are usually entered for exams at a
LAMDA Public exam centre in London. 
For each exam possible results are:
Fail / Pass / Merit / Distinction
We are very proud of our 100% pass rate, with 89
% of students gaining distinctions.  

All LAMDA sessions are book termly and must be paid for in advance at the start of each term.
Fees range from £18 - £50 per coaching session depending on
 length of session
(15mins, 30mins, 45min or 60mins) n
umber of students in the session (solo, duo or trio)
the Grade being worked towards and specific venue hire costs.
All classes in the term must be paid for, including any missed for any reason.
Whenever possible we will arrange a catch up lesson at a mutually convenient time for lessons missed.
This may be delivered on Zoom, at the student's usual LAMDA venue or a

 different venue depending of space, staff and student availability.
No or confessions are offered for classes missed as the costs, both in money
and time are the same regardless of whether a student is present or not. 

LAMDA Coaching fees do not include examination fees, which are set by LAMDA.
Theatre Arts Academy pay exam fees direct to LAMDA six weeks in advance to secure of the
exam booking. We then invoice the student's parent/fee payer. The exam fees must be paid toTAA
by the parent/fee payer upon their receipt of our invoice

NB: Parent's /fee payer's failure to make payment to Theatre Arts Academy within 7 days of being
invoiced can have a negative impact our business causing cash flow problems and  additional administration work .Therefore, Theatre Arts Academy reserve the right to charge a late payment fee of £25
to all exam invoices not paid within  7 days from the invoice date.


We tutor children and adults for LAMDA exams from 4 years.  We may ask your child to attend an initial assessment before offering them coaching. This is not an audition but is merely to help us determine
e right level to start their tutoring at. It is important to us that our learners enjoy and look forward
to their LAMDA coaching sessions  

LAMDA  coaching requires commitment. Regular attendance, practice and support at home
                                                    between sessions is vital for success.
If a student misses more than three sessions in any term without good reason the offer of their coaching slot may be withdrawn at the end of that termLearners progress is recorded by tutors and a weekly report is given.   

 Lessons missed by students for illness, holidays,  performance work or for any other reason
must still be paid for. Exam fees are set by LAMDA and must be met fully by parents/fee payers
when a learner is entered for an exam. Learners are entered for exams at least 6 weeks before
the exam date. Exam fees cannot be refunded once a child has been entered for an exam and it is
the responsibility of parents/carers to advise us in advance if a student is unavailable for an exam date. 

  The responsibility lies with the parent or feepayer to arrange collection of any certificates, exam reports and/or medals from Theatre Arts Academy that arrive after a student has left the Academy.
Theatre Arts will not send these on through the post.


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