(Saturday group lessons only)
2 Siblings - 10% Discount
3+ Siblings - 20% Discount
Our fees and terms and conditions are usually reviewed annually in July & any changes made are implemented the following September. We reserve the right to amend or make changes at any time without notice
Overdue Accounts
As a small independent business, prompt payment is
vital for our survival. From the start of the January term
2022 a late payment fee of £25 will be added to all accounts
that are not settled in full by the 4th Saturday of term.
This fee is to pay for the additional
administration work late payments create.
Unpaid fees or Fees in Lieu of notice
Theatre Arts Academy use the small claims
courts to recover unpaid fees
Please read our full terms and conditions
below before registering your child
Fees and Payments
Please read carefully
Half a term's notice is required in writing via email from
parent/fee payer if a student wishes to leave one of our
group classes or LAMDA coaching, either permanently
or for a temporary period of time
On receipt of an email of intention to leave, we will
reply to acknowledge receipt of notice and invoice for
any outstanding amount on your account.
If you do not receive an acknowledgement email from us
within 7 days please contact us.
If after handing in notice a student decides not to leave,
please inform us of your change of plan as soon as
possible. Where fees in lieu of notice have been paid
and a student returns to classes within twelve months
from leaving, the amount paid in lieu will be deducted
from the returning invoice.
Where a parent / fee payer says an email giving notice
has been sent, but we have not received one, and no acknowledgement from us has been sent to the
parent / fee payer, half a term's fees are due in lieu of notice from the parent/fee payer. Parents/ fee payers
sign to agree to this on the student's registration form.
Where a registration form has not been signed, but has in all other respects been completed for a students by their parent/fee payer and that the student has attended
classes, it will be taken as understood that the parent / fee payer has read, understood and agreed to the commitment being made and notice (or fees in lieu) will be charged.
An 'early bird' discount of £10 applies to all Saturday invoices
paid in full on or before the first Saturday session of term.
All discounts including sibling discounts, multi class discounts,
scholarship discounts are subject to prompt payment
*If arrangements have been made for payment to be made in 2 half termly payments, the first half term' s payment must be made within 7 days from the date of the invoice.
NB: The Early bird discount does not apply when paying half termly.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS IMPORTANT - please read carefully
In order for students to benefit fully from the teaching and directing we provide, regular attendance to classes is paramount. Parents and students should recognise that in joining Theatre Arts Academy they are making a commitment. Without dedication, commitment and support from our students and their families we are unable to produce the high quality productions we have become known for.
As a small independent business we work hard to deliver quality training and performance experiences at the lowest possible rates and to be as inclusive as possible. Prompt payment by parents and fee payers is vital for our survival.
Whilst all fees must be paid in full (unless the student is on Scholarship) we ask that if parents or fee payers are experiencing any difficulties in meeting fees, they email us as soon as possible and we will try to arrange a mutually convenient payment plan. We will always endeavour to recover all unpaid fees and where necessary will do this through the small claims court process.
NB: Under no circumstances can Theatre Arts Academy act as negotiator or offer arbitration services to separated parents, or two or more responsible parties regarding who is responsible for payment of fees.
If a parent wishes to withdraw a child from one of our group classes or from LAMDA coaching, a half terms notice via email is required. If notice is not received, half a term's fees will be charged in lieu. This is a shorter notice period than standard practice throughout independent & vocational schools who usually require a full term. Where a child wishes to take a term or half term out of classes (due to professional performance work, school commitments, 11+ tutoring or any other reason) half a term's notice or fees in lieu is still required. If the student then returns after a break of up to 12 months (subject to a place being available) Any fees paid in lieu of notice will be deducted from their returning invoice. This is non-transferable to other students. To 'hold open' a place for a student during a temporary period of absence, fees must be paid in full for the whole of the intended absence period.
LAMDA exam coaching runs for 8 weeks each term. LAMDA exam coaching times/groups/timetables will change from term to term as students move classes or grades. New timetables are sent out before the start of each term) LAMDA exam coaching and LAMDA exams are optional extras. If a student is entered for an exam the exam fee must be paid promptly by parents on receipt of notification of charge. Parents are advised of exam dates in advance of their student being entered for an exam. If the student is then unable to attend the exam after the entry has been submitted to LAMDA the full exam fee must still be paid by the parent . If the exam absence is due to illness, parents may apply to LAMDA with a doctors letter for a refund of up to 50% of the exam fee paid, provided they do so within 5 working days of the exam date. If a student stops LAMDA coaching without giving the required notice parents will be charged for the LAMDA coaching in full until we have received emailed confirmation that the student is not continuing, after which any shortfall must be covered by parents for the remainder of the 8 week term or until their place is filled by another student.
In the event of forced or advised temporary closure of the Academy or cancellation of any planned events or performances, for any reason beyond the control of the Academy, including (but not exclusive to) bad weather / acts of (or threats of) terrorism, riot or war / the outbreak of (or containment of) contagious illness, we will advise parents via email. If this happens classes we will endeavour to re-schedule events and/or deliver them on-line via zoom. If we are unable to deliver classes on-line or we have to cancel rehearsals, performances, exams or any other events already paid for by parents, all monies paid will be carried over to the rescheduled event, or until classes resume.
A £10 Early Bird discount is applied to Saturday Junior and/or Senior students when a terms fees are paid in full with 7 days of the date on the invoice sent. The Early Bird discount only applies to those who attend Saturday Junior or Senior classes and is not applicable after 7 days have lapsed or if payment is being made half termly (by arrangement only). Where a half termly option is offered the first half payment must be received on the first week of term. Parents/carers sign in agreement to our terms and conditions on their child's registration form when joining.
Professional representation
If a student is represented by an agency other than Theatre Arts Academy we must be informed. Unless a student has informed us that they have alternative representation, or that they do not wish to be considered for professional work, we will suggest students who fit a casting brief to trusted casting directors. We will fully support our students and clients through the audition process and if they are offered work will will represent them and manage all contracts, payments, invoices, license applications etc. Our agency commission for current students is reduced to 8% of all child earnings. (Commission is charged at 12% for children who are not current students at Theatre Arts Academy)
Expected standards of behaviour.
All students and their parents and carers are expected to behave politely and with respect to all staff, assistants and students, both whilst at classes, rehearsals and TAA performances and events and at all other times away from Theatre Arts Academy. This expectation of behaviour extends to social media.
Students are expected to act with encouragement and support to fellow students at all times, both in person and via all social media and messaging sites. Theatre Arts will look into any allegations of behaviour falling short of this expectation and if the situation cannot be resolved
the perpetrator will be expelled from Theatre Arts Academy and no fees will be refunded.
Please also see our child protection policy and our photographic and social media policies.
Casting for productions:
Whilst some children may be very confident performing for parents and friends at home, they may present themselves quite differently at
Theatre Arts Academy when they are among a large group of other talented children. When casting productions we consider attendance, confidence, work ethic and ability as we see it . All our casting is final and we ask parents to support our casting decisions. When a student's
fees are overdue, they will not be including in any external performance opportunities or invited to take part in any extra activities, eg theatre trips that involve an additional cost or participation fee. This is to ensure monies owed do not continue to increase.
All classes must be paid for in full including those missed for any reason, including illness or leave for professional or amateur performance work. Sibling discounts are set at 10% for two children and 20% for three or more children from the same family. We ask for a minimum of one term's initial commitment if starting at the beginning of a term. This ensures consistency for our existing students and gives new students a reasonable time to settle in, make friends and decide if Theatre Arts Academy is right for them.
To ensure the safety of all our staff and students, we will not tolerate rude, intimidating or aggressive behaviour from students, or from parents or carers of children, whether directed at staff, fellow students or parents of students. Behaviour that offends or intimidates will result in the child or the child of the offender, being expelled from all classes, workshops and performances and no refund of fees paid will be made.